
Saturday, September 09, 2006

long distance

a friend of mine called today, she lives in boston. but, just recently has to go long distance with her husband in long island. not an uplifting news.
so, here are some tips i got from regarding long distance romance.
  1. Establish some ground rules.
    Get everything in the open, so no one feels they’re sneaking around. Talk about whether you can see other people romantically, how often you’d like to speak to each other, and if there are special occasions where the two of you must see each other in person. (rules meant to be broken)
  2. Snail mail is an inexpensive way to stay in touch.
    The recipient can keep the letter and read it any time they need a burst of love. Of course, you can send more than letters. You could send a taped message, a CD that alternates between your message and some favorite songs, or even a blank jigsaw puzzle that you write on and send a few pieces at a time. (just make sure ur dirty vidoes safe)
  3. Arrange to watch a TV program together.
    That way, you can experience the enjoyment simultaneously, even though you're miles apart.
  4. Don't fight over small problems.
    Because you can't talk as often as you like, everything becomes magnified. Therefore, make a decision that you won’t fight over small problems. All couples fight some of the time, but when you are in an LDR, save the fighting for the really important issues.
  5. Accept uncertainty.
    When you do see each other again, things might seem initially tense. You may wonder, “Do I still love him?” or “Is this relationship still worthwhile?” Those thoughts are normal. They’ll pass. And if they don’t, you should consider breaking up.
  6. If there are problems, tell them.
    If you see the relationship breaking apart, don’t keep it from the other person. Tell them. Don’t leave that kind of message on an answering machine or throw it in an email. Get the other person on the phone. They deserve it.
  7. Plan a surprise trip.
    At times, phone and email won't cut it. The best thing to do is see your loved one in person. (also to make sure he/she ain't a cheating)


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